It's Time to Vote on April's Stickers

It's Time to Vote on April's Stickers

I can't believe that spring is almost here! The sun will be shining, flowers blooming and my partner and I get to take our afternoon strolls on our favorite walking trails.

I just love how fat and huggable the seal is eating their favorite instant noodles! However, i don't know about you but the sticker on the left (just a sketch so far) is very much representative of my relationship with my partner. I can't tell you the number of times that she is overcome with so much aggressive love that she runs up behind me, picks me up, and squeezes me with all her might... She's amazing but, I do enjoy breathing as well.

What are you most excited for in the coming months? Let me know in the comments below! I'd love to make a sticker of it :-)


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